If natural stone comes with a label, it would read: "I am a natural material. I am an individual unlike any other. Colour
and texture variations are inherent and make me beautiful. Imperfections are not defects but part of my charm.
Take good care of me and I will reward you with a lifetime of beauty."
According to Sim Yen Penn of Marble Emporium (M) Sdn Bbd, homeowners who re-building or re-modeling their homes would most likely have come across doubts on authenticity of the products and its use.
Truth is. much of what you have heard is presumably a combination of truth and fiction.
Below are some simple and concise explanations on the different types of stones available in the market.

What is marble?
Marble occurs naturally as the result of extreme heat and pressure applied to limestone.
The distinctive crystalline structure of marble allows it to be polished to high gloss giving an illusion of depth.
This is the more traditional and commonly recognised form of marble and creates an opulent mirror-like finish to be used, for example in a premium bathroom or large hallway. Marble is also available in matt finish.
What is granite?

Granite is a tremendously strong, versatile and durable natural stone; so many of the structures in which granite has
been used over the centuries are still standing.
Granite is an igneous rock formed in a very dense manner with no pores due to extreme pressure within the Earth.
The slow cooling caused the main minerals of granite to grow to easily visible sizes resulting in a multitude of often-unexpected colours that can be used to create that special driveway or beautiful and functional kitchen counter top.

What is limestone?
Limestone is a soft marble formed over millions of years from seashells and bones of sea creatures settling on the ocean
bed; hence it is called a sedimentary stone.
Calcium in the bones and shells combines with carbon dioxide in the water to form calcium carbonate, a basic mineral
structure of all limestone and marble. The result is a smooth chalky natural stone that often come with deep-set fossils creating fantastic visual effect.
The feeling of calmness and serenity can be conveyed to a room using this material.
What is Travertine?
Beautiful travertine falls somewhere between limestone and marble, separated by approximately 20 million years of rock formation, where dissolved limestone has been allowed to mix with steam under enormous pressure.
Travertine also began as limestone, which over time, duo to its porous nature, absorbed water. Heated by the Earth's
inner core, water rose as steam and hot pressurised water to hot mud baths.
The rising hot water, dissolves the limestone and brings with it granules from below, forming mud beds on the surface.
Over time, the mud beds cool and they crystallise into solid stone called travertine.
This material!easily evokes a feeling of antiquity within any room in your abode.
Hopefully these explanations would give homeowners a better understanding of natural stones and help them in their selection process.
Marble Emporium's showroom is open from Monday to Friday, l0am to 7pro and on Saturday, 1lam to 6pm. They are also open
on Sundays and public holidays by appointments.
Please contact Sire Yen Penn at 012-219 3229.
1. The history of gemstones 2. Religious and cultural connections 3. Magic properties and mystical powers 4. Chakras |
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