Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Water, along with the air we breathe, gives birth to human existence

Think green

Water, along with the air we breathe, gives birth to human existence. Being the central medium that allows life to flourish, water is crucial to our well being.

Water supports the lives of billions of people together with industrial, agricultural and recreational, use as well as to nourish the many lives on earth's diverse ecosystems.

Health Basics Sdn Bhd, the exclusive distributor of General Ecology, Inc.'s chemical-free water purification technology,
addresses the needs of the increasingly complex and crowded world with its environmentally friendly water purification system.

Pure water is not just for drinking. Purified water makes everything taste better from soups, pasta and salads to lemonade, mixed drinks, and coffee, even ice cubes. It's an essential ingredient to every meal.

General Ecology's Seagull IV water purifiers are easily installed under the sink, to ice makers, hot water dispensers and refrigerators.

And don't forget the bar area, where great scotch on the rocks tastes better without the taint of
chlorinated ice-cubes.

General Ecology, Inc. manufactures a range of hi-tech water purifiers with a flowrate from one gallon to 26 gallons per minute of water supply.

The Seagull IV water purifiers, developed by multi-disciplined scientist and engineers to protect against modern environmental and ecological waterborne problems like chemicals, bacteria and viruses, has a proprietary "Structured Matrix " technology that combines innovative concepts and purification techniques not available from any other product.

The outstanding success of General Ecology, Inc. is continually evidenced by independent testing results and over 40 years of customer satisfaction through service to a wide range of sophisticated users worldwide, including Airbus and Boeing.

In addition to the Seagull IV range of water purifiers, Health Basics Sdn Bhd also brings to you the IQAIR Health PRO 250; one of the world's most advanced air cleaning systems, made in Switzerland.

The IQAIR Health Pro remove airborne particles and aerosols such as viruses, bacteria, polens, etc. in residential, commercial and medical environment.
Special models effectively absorb a wide spectrum of gaseous pollutants and odours.

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