Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to decorate without breaking the bank

There are plenty of ways to redecorate without spending huge sums of money. With a bit of creativity mixed with inspiration, you can transform your home.

  • When applying a fresh coat of paint,choose a cheery or unique hue. This simple strategy will really transform your room.
  • Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle, from flea markets to antique shops, browse around for that bargain, be it a piece of furniture, a rug, an artwork or a knick-knack.
  • You can brighten up the space by installing a new light fixture. A table lamp, a reading light, a pendant light.. all can add lustre to a room.
  • Or if you don't have the budget for new fixture, try to increase the wattage of the bulbs in your existing lamps~ Alternatively, frame doorways or till clear vases with strings of clear Christmas lights.
  • Still keen on that old but sturdy couch? There's no need to spend money on a new couch; rather just buy premade covers or reupholster the couch. The difference a new fabric can make to your most-used piece of furniture can be stunning.
  • A set of curtains can certainly bring a fresh look to an entire room. You can create your own by buying coloured or beautifully printed twin-size bedsheets for each window you want to cover.
  • For a new and lively look, add an inexpensive rug.
  • To turn an ordinary table into an attractive conversation piece, gather together your collectibles unified by their hue. Or choose a coIour that works well in the area you want to decorate, spray it on a mishmash of objects, and then arrange them on the centre of the table.

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